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Understanding the website!

This is a private website/back office for all our team members to completely plan and organize your events and your Adhore business.  The website is set up like Facebook where you have your own profile page and also a Wall where all the activities of you and all the other members on the website;s activities is shared. There are also public and private group pages for group collaboration.  Let’s look at the functions from your profile menu:

  • ACTIVITY:  This is like your own timeline, and it lists all your activities.  The Activities of all members on the website will be displayed under the WALL main menu tab of the website.
  • PORTFOLIO:  This is pretty much like Pinterest, you can upload different pictures which inspire the visual look of an event.  We call that a Mood board.  You can create a complete visual portfolio of how the complete event will be styled and decorated.  That is called a Vision Board.  Your boards can also be made private or public.  Public boards will be listed under the PORTFOLIO main menu tab of the website.
  • PROFILE:  Your profile information is shown here from the info you filled in when you created your profile.  You decide what you want to be displayed here by changing it in EDIT.
  • NOTIFICATIONS:  As you interact with other members on the website, pretty much like your facebook notifications, they are all listed in this tab.
  • MESSAGES:  View all your private messages here.
  • FRIENDS:  See all your friends listed here, also invitations for friendships as well.
  • GROUPS:  You’ll see a list of all the groups you joined here.  A list of all groups created on the website will be displayed under the GROUPS main menu tab of the website.
  • SHOP:  Here is where you will find your Rental Account info, including your orders.  To rent items from us, use the RENTAL tab on the main menu of the website.
  • TO-Dos:  Here you can create your To-Do lists to keep you organized.  The website will email you reminders to the email address you assigned.
  • PROJECTS:  Here you can create a plan for each event, this is called a Project.  It has a detailed Task management system that your team and your client can collaborate doing together to get the job done.  Break tasks up into 3 groups; a Milestone, that defines each stage of your planning process, then under that are tasks lists which are each step that needs to be taken to achieve the particular milestone.  Then finally, sub tasks which breaks down a task into more detail.  Each sub-tasks, tasks, and milestone has a due date that you must set.  Within a Project page, you can upload files relevant to the project for your members, such as budgets, timelines, checklists, etc., plus you can discuss each task and document as well.  Your project can be made hidden/private so that only the persons you assign to it can see or enter it. Clients are not allowed to create Projects.
  • GALLERIES:  This is great for uploading your pictures for whatever reason. Galleries can be made private or public. 
  • DOCS:  Docs is a powerful tool for collaboration with members of your group. A cross between document editor and wiki, Docs allows you to co-author and co-edit documents with your fellow group members, which you can then sort and tag in a way that helps your group to get work done.
  • GROUPS:  Pretty much like a facebook group, you can upload files, create a gallery, create a simple things to do list, and have discussions on any topic regarding the project.  Groups can also be private and only the members associated with it can see or enter it. 
  • EVENTS:  You can create the details of any event here by entering the title, date, location, price, and notes of an event.  Use this to create your booking/rental events and all the information for each booking.  They system will email you reminders to this event and you will see a calendar of all your events on the Events home page in your profile.

Outside of team and client collaboration, each member has their own profile.  You can do in your own profile, everything that you can do in the Group page.  Additionally, this is where you will create your own gallery, group, projects and Portfolio boards there among many other things.

As members you can view other member’s profile, request friendships, follow, and instant message them.  You can view all the members in our website from the MEMBERS page on the menu.  You can also see a site activity feed of all members activity on the website by viewing the ‘WALL’ page on the menu.  On this wall you can like, comment, favorite, and share any activity on the wall.

Well, grab your scattered info and start planning!

You can meet on the website with your team, and completely plan an event with your clients.  It has ALL the tools you will need to plan any event, let’s look at them from the website’s menu:

  • PROJECTS:  Here you can create a plan for each event, this is called a Project.  It has a detailed Task management system that your team and your client can collaborate doing together to get the job done.  Break tasks up into 3 groups; a Milestone, that defines each stage of your planning process, then under that are tasks lists which are each step that needs to be taken to achieve the particular milestone.  Then finally, sub tasks which breaks down a task into more detail.  Each sub-tasks, tasks, and milestone has a due date that you must set.  Within a Project page, you can upload files relevant to the project for your members, such as budgets, timelines, checklists, etc., plus you can discuss each task and document as well.  Your project can be made hidden/private so that only the persons you assign to it can see or enter it. Clients are not allowed to create Projects.
  • PORTFOLIO BOARDS:  This is where the designer and client create the visual look of an event.  Pretty much like Pinterest, clients can upload different pictures which inspire the visual look of their event.  We call that a Mood board.  Then Designers, taking all that into consideration, creates a complete portfolio of how the complete event will be styled and decorated.  That is called a Vision Board.  Your boards can also be made private or public, depending on what the client wants.
  • GALLERIES:  This is not necessarily a part of the planning process, but it is great for Designers to showcase some pictures of their work so clients can see.  Clients can create galleries for their own purpose as well.  Galleries can be made private or public.
  • GROUPS:  This is a a relaxed environment outside the Projects page.  Each Project will have a group associated with it, and within this group, you can upload files, create a gallery, create a simple things to do list, and have discussions on any topic regarding the project.  Groups can also be private and only the members associated with it can see or enter it.  Clients are not allowed to create Groups.

Outside of team and client collaboration, each member has their own profile.  You can do in your own profile, everything that you can do in the Group page.  Additionally, this is where you will create your own gallery, group, projects and Portfolio boards there among many other things.

As members you can view other member’s profile, request friendships, follow, and instant message them.  You can view all the members in our website from the MEMBERS page on the menu.  You can also see a site activity feed of all members activity on the website by viewing the ‘ACTIVITY WALL’ page on the menu.  On this wall you can like, comment, favorite, and share any activity on the wall.

Each member is given two ranks when they join this site.  The rank of Junior member speaks to your activity level on the website.  Each time you click links, comments, likes, login to the website, message a member, and a whole list of site related actions, you gain 1 token each which makes your rank go up to other levels.  In other words, the more active you are on the site, the higher your rank will be.

Coming soon:  Events page, where you can create events and members can state if they are attending.  And, an Event RSVP site where members can RSVP, choose their meals, buy you gifts, etc.

The Event Planner title are for the Professionals on the website.  The more actions they perform while planning an event is the more experienced they become and that level increases.  So the more the planner works, their rank will increase.

Well, grab your client(s) and start planning!